Egypt Eyes School

We are here to make you enjoy learning

We help each student achieve their goal


Welcome to Egypt Eyes School

Egypt Eyes School is a private language school, established in 2017 by the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate. It is situated in King Mariout - Alexandria. It is a convent school where nuns teach and discipline children. English is taught as a first language and French as a second one. Our vision is for each child to develop a curiosity of learning, discover their interests and grow in their love of learning. We also desire to have strong families through parent support/fellowship and skills training. Our school empowers all students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being.

Learning Management
Professional Teachers
Best Education System
Classic Experience

We Help You to Build Your Career

300 +


76 +


3 +

Years of Experience

Vision / الرؤية

Vision / الرؤية

Form creative, successful children that are characterized by their openness to their homeland, having an individual and autonomous personality to be good citizens allowing development to their society.
إعداد أطفال مبدعين منفتحين علي الوطن ذوي شخصيات مستقلة إيجابية و ناجحة ليكونوا مواطنين صالحين يستطيعون الإسهام في بناء المجتمع و تطوره.
Mission / الرسالة

Mission / الرسالة

1. Considering human and spiritual aspects of all children. 2. Creating a suitable atmosphere for creativity and innovation for all children. 3. Developing the capacities and special abilities of every child. 4. Caring about educational, sportive, cultural and social activities. 5. Developing the children's interest in education to be able to develop themselves according to their abilities. 6. Creating an atmosphere of cooperation and competition among the children. 7. Accepting diversity and respecting others despite the differences. 8. Openness to the outer world and coping up with the scientific development.
1. الاهتمام بالبعد الإنساني والروحي لجميع الأطفال. 2. خلق جو مناسب للإبداع والابتكار لجميع الأطفال. 3. تنمية القدرات والإمكانيات الخاصة لكل طفل. 4. الاهتمام بالأنشطة التربوية والرياضية والثقافية والاجتماعية 5. تنمية حب التعلم حتي يتمكنوا من النمو وفقا لإمكانياتهم. 6. خلق جو من التعاون والتنافس بين الأطفال. 7. قبول التنوع واحترام الآخر رغم اختلافه. 8. الانفتاح علي العالم الخارجي و مواكبة التطور العلمي.
Egypt Eyes School

 Mamdouh Zahrane street - King Mariout 


03/ 4551738
03/ 4551739
0121 1450777